Policy & Advocacy

Planning For Affordability In Connecticut: Affordable Housing Plan And Process Guidebook


In December, 2020 the Connecticut Department of Housing and released Planning for Affordability in Connecticut: Affordable Housing Plan and Process Guidebook, a guidebook to help municipalities develop their local affordable housing plans, as required by state statute 8-30j.

Created in partnership with FCCHO partner Regional Plan Association and partners across the state, this is a user-friendly tool that towns statewide can use to plan for inclusive, thriving communities that meet the needs of people of all ages and incomes. It includes best practices for planning and answers questions such as:

  • What is an affordable housing plan and what should be included?
  • How does this plan fit in with my town’s other planning documents, like our Plan of Conservation and Development?
  • How do we create a plan for affordable housing when it can be such a hot button issue in our town?

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